Articles from Jack’s Column.
End times warning
The Bible is not some ancient fairy tale …
It is our ‘Reality’ ‘Now’, in this modern world and as we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ, you are going to see so many events taking place around the world such as, ‘Wars, Famine, Volcanic erruptions, Multiple Hurricanes, Geomagnetic Storms & Earthquakes ripping through countries in diverse places.
Read through: Matthew chapter 24 in the Bible and see what Jesus says will happen in these endtimes! I would say that it is a ‘Warning’ to the generation which are alive in the endtimes and have seen these events happening.
Jesus, when He was on the earth was telling mankind 2000 years ago, what would be happening now in our time!
If you want to escape the Judgement & Wrath of God, then Jesus Christ is the only way forward. Please don’t play silly games with your Eternity, ‘Repentance’ is the only way forward.
Repent of your sins then, invite Jesus Christ to come and live in your heart and be your Lord and Saviour. He loves you unconditionally and wants you in His family.
Choose life today, choose ‘Jesus Christ.
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